„Battling Eugenics: Debates and The Rise of Opposition in Science and Culture” to tytuł konferencji, która odbędzie się w dniach 26–27 kwietnia na Wydziale Neofilologii UW. Celem wydarzenia jest analiza dyskursu dotyczącego eugeniki oraz powstania międzynarodowego sprzeciwu wobec eugeniki w nauce oraz kulturze.
Wydarzenie odbędzie się w trybie hybrydowym. Obowiązuje rejestracja pod adresem: https://forms.office.com.
Opis wydarzenia w języku angielskim:
This symposium looks to delineate the rise of the international opposition to eugenics as well as explore the debates within the eugenics camp. We are interested in tracing the growing scientific distrust of eugenic thought in the 20th century before its genocidal application in Nazi Germany. Moreover, we will examine how eugenic discourse has resurfaced and been contested in the decades since World War II in science, culture and through political activism. What were the turning points that led to the rise of doubt about the scientific value of eugenics and skepticism about its ethical implications? How was the international scientific community engaging in eugenic debates and how did those that were initially sympathetic eugenics – such as Franz Boas or W.E.B. Du Bois – over time separate themselves from eugenic paradigm?
Więcej informacji w języku angielskim znajduje się na stronie Wydziału Neofilologii UW: https://neofilologia.uw.edu.pl.