Centrum Nowych Technologii organizuje webinaria dotyczące różnych interdyscyplinarnych tematów obejmujących zagadnienia związane z biologią, chemią i fizyką. Spotkania skierowane są przede wszystkim do doktorantów. Webinaria prowadzone są w języku angielskim. Kolejne spotkanie odbędzie się 9 kwietnia.
Program webinarów:
- 9th April, 12:00 – Prof. Joanna Kargul, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw; Title: “Solar-driven fuel production: Fundamental science meets industry in a quest for a shift towards a circular economy”. Link to the event >>
- 15th April, 15:00 – Dr. Paweł K. Mazur, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA; Title: “Identification of oncogenic mechanisms driving lung squamous cell carcinoma development and progression”.
- 29th April, 15:00 – Prof. Alexander Wlodawer, Center for Structural Biology, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, USA; Title: “One thousand structures of SARS-CoV-2 proteins, or how the Polish Crystallographic Mafia joined the fight against COVID-19”.
- 7th May, 12:00 – Prof. Wojciech Grochala, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw; Title: “Electric current without paying a penny for your energy transmission bill”.
- 18th June, 12:00 – Dr. Joanna Kowalska, Division of Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw; Title: “How mRNA vaccines work”.
Wydarzenia, które się już odbyły:
- 29th January, 12:00 – Prof. Magdalena Dziembowska, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw; Title: “The physiology of synapse and its dysregulation in neurodevelopmental disorders”;
- 5th February, 12:00 – Dr. Paweł Niewiadomski, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw; Title: “Hitchhiker’s guide to the primary cilium – how vesicles help soluble proteins reach their target organelle”;
- 12th February, 12:00 – Prof. Daniela Pollak, Professor for Behavioral Biology, Department for Neurophysiolgy and pharmacology, Center for Physiology and Pharmacology, Medical University of Vienna; Title: “STAT3 in the serotonergic system modulates emotional reactivity relevant to mood and psychotic disorders”;
- 26th February, 12:00 – Dr. Piotr Setny, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw; Title: “Structural determinants of influenza virus fusion peptide activity”;
- 12 March, 12:00 – Dr. Marcin Kałek, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw; Title: “Synthetic and mechanistic studies on reactions involving hypervalent iodine compounds”;
- 26th March, 12:00 – Prof. Krzysztof Woźniak, Dr. Tomasz Góral, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw; Title: “Cryomicroscopy and Electron Diffraction Core Facility at CeNT UW”;